Chapter 9: Spare Parts Forecast (SPF) Module
When already treating life data and having some information on items’ life curves, such as best fitted distributions and parameters, it is possible to cross that information, along with other data, to estimate how many spare items should be available in storage.
The methodology on this module aims to pinpoint the number of units in storage that is optimized to maintain, by reducing the bunch without having to take undesirable risk of not finding it.
It can be accessed through “My SPF Analysis” on the Dashboard, or through the menu on SPF -> My Analysis option.
9.1 SPF – Analysis List
As in other modules, the Spare Parts Forecast module has an analysis list, from where the user can surf through his created and received analyzes. On this list, it is possible to track analysis by name, quantity of items, creation date or by last update date.
Right above the analysis list, it’s also possible to see 4 buttons (shown in the image below). This is an explanation of their functions, following the order from left to right:
Configure the list to show relevant information in the list, such as name, quantity of items or creation date.
Copy the analysis list’s information so that the user can then paste it in another document of his choosing.
Download a spreadsheet containing the list’s information.
Generate a .pdf archive of the analysis list at hand.
Bellow the list, there is information on how many analyzes are being displayed on the page. As new analyzes are created, new pages will be required, and so, the user can surf through those pages, back and forth, as he desires.
9.2 SPF – Data tab
This module’s layout is simple, as it does not have a spreadsheet for input data, and instead it is composed by option fields and filling fields.
Important Note: Some options and features will cause the analysis to ask for different item information, so it is mandatory to select Distribution and Calculation Type before defining other fields. Not paying attention to this may cause previously inputted data to be erased when resetting the options.
Important Note: Both these features will alter the information input, as discussed before.
How these options change the required input will be demonstrated in the next figures.
Note: This module has no settings menu, but it is possible to configure the time unit. More on that will be addressed on the next pages.
Important Note: Resupply Time must consider the total time of transaction for new parts plus the time for those to arrive.
On the right side of the page, there is the field which requires information on the item’s life curve. This information must be obtained first via LDA, or via life-stress model.
9.3 SPF – Report tab
After hitting the Calculate button, the results will be available on the Report tab. All information entered on the Data tab will also be displayed on this tab, but not for editing, just for visualization.
These results are also plotted in a Probability of Success vs. Number of Spare Parts graph, located bellow the table.