Warranty Analysis Repairable Items - WA-RI
Warranty Analysis Repairable Items was developed to analyze warranty claims in a Nevada Chart format.
This module uses the Non-Homogeneous Poisson Process to predict the Warranty Claims. Multiple claims from the same unit are allowed. This is different from the warranty prediction for Non-repairable systems in which only one claim is allowed per unit sold.
Data Type Entry
Nevada Chart
Period Options
Parameter Estimation Methods
Reliability Model
Reliability Plots
Cumulative Number of Failures
Instantaneous MTBF vs. Time
Cumulative MTBF vs. Time
Instantaneous Failure Intensity vs. Time
Cumulative Failure Intensity vs. Time
Reliability Calculations
IMTBF(t) - Instantaneous MTBF
CMTBF(t) - Cumulative MTBF
IFI(t) - Instantaneous Failure Intensity
CFI(t) - Cumulative Failure Intensity
T(IMTBF) - Time at Instantaneous MTBF
T(CMTBF) - Time at Cumulative MTBF
T(IFI) - Time at Instantaneous Failure Intensity
T(CFI) - Time at Cumulative Failure Intensity
NOF(t) - Number of Failures
T(NOF) - Time at Number of Failures
Optimum Overhaul Time
Confidence Bounds
Methods: Fisher Matrix / Chi Squared
Confidence Level
Confidence Bounds: Two Sided / Top One-Sided / Bottom-Sided
Other Features
Warranty Claims Forecast Chart
Warranty Claims Forecast Plot
Overlay plots - Multiple items in the same reliability plot
Report - All results and reliability plots in one page
Allow analyze several different items in one analysis
Allow send analysis to other users (R4All and External)